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Decarbonisation Event

Welcome to the Food and Drink Forum's Race to Carbon Event!

We hope you find the information provided today insightful and inspirational.
Through a series of live workshops, we will be delving deep into how as a small food and drink manufacturer you can decarbonise your production site, reduce your carbon footprint and work together to achieve net zero!

Who is this course for?

This course is available to all attendees of our Decarbonisation event. 

What's included?

The materials provided within this course will include: 

- An introduction to our event and an agenda for the day
- Presentations from our keynote speakers and workshop information
- Further information and next steps...
Meet the instructor

The Food & Drink Forum

This is an online course that you can sign up for at any time and complete at your own pace.
The Food & Drink Forum Limited has created this and a range of short courses for food and drink producers. We use a range of subject area specialists to help build the content, which helps to ensure our manufacturers have relevant, up to date information and expertise to learn from.
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